Degender fashion - deconstruct patriarchy

Discomfort people

It's my passion, and it has now become my slogan! Since the start of my fashion career (10+ years 😱), I have given myself a mission: question certainties. Basically, if it's already been done, I'm not interested!

With my brand, I want to disrupt the world, shake up fashion and even surprise those who thought they knew me 😇

3 things not at all secret about me 🙃

assiakara marque engagée mode non genré unisexe original androgyne coloré vêtement genderfluid mode no gender marque vêtements androgynes féministe bien dans son corps bien dans ses fringues podcast

Bien dans son corps, bien dans ses fringues

This is the title of my talk show / podcast where I interview people about their relationship to their body, their gender and clothing. Listen on Spotify!

assiakara marque engagée mode non genré unisexe original androgyne coloré vêtement genderfluid mode no gender marque vêtements androgynes féministe sac banane drapeau

YES, I am a feminist!

Loving fashion doesn't necessary mean being a fan of capitalism and patriarchy! Quite the opposite: I fight to deconstructing gender norms in clothing, so that it finally becomes a true means of expression for all!

assiakara portrait créatrice de mode non genré unisexe original androgyne coloré vêtement genderfluid mode no gender marque vêtements androgynes féministe

Entrepreneurship is my life !

Beside my brand I help many business projects, either through other structures or with my own program Slashe ta vie ! And I have many other plans to come 😍
